Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Cooking Class

We eat REAL FOOD.  Beginning with Jamie Oliver's ABC show "Food Revolution" and others like "Forks Over Knives", "Fast Food Nation", "Food Matters", Food Inc.", and TED Talks, we learned about our food, organics and Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs).  Now our family is trying our hardest to eat Organic, Non-GMO whole foods.  Try explaining to a 5 year old why he cannot have donuts and a soda for lunch, but we can make some real lemonade and have an apple or other non-processed snack.  It is working!  As we walk through the grocery store, he gets excited.."Dad, it's organic!"  But just because it's organic, does not mean it is good, just read the label.  You'll still see "natural flavors", "ascorbic acid" and "citric acid" (many of which contain GMOs) and other additives.  When a product is labeled "organic", the entire product does not need to be organic. 

So I told that story to tell this one....
School is out and I need to have snacks for the fam as well as put together a crock-pot dinner for the day (swim lessons later, so no time to cook). So what did we do?
We, yes we, my 5 year old helped cook, started by pulling out the food processor and slicing potatoes and onions.  Then we made up a roux and my version of a béchamel sauce using whole milk, herbs and spices, and some cheese.  All this went into the crockpot making it a pseudo Sheppard's pie.
Then we roasted a head of garlic in the oven.  In the food processor we put in garbanzo beans, garlic, tahini paste, spices and olive oil.  We made our own roasted garlic hummus. 

I know exactly what went into our meal.  No preservatives.  No additives.  And 95% of it all was organic, Non-GMO.  Does it cost a little extra at the store, yes.  But do you pay for it now or pay for it later in medical bills and prescriptions.

Just Eat Real Food!     

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Stay safe and be prepared

     As a firefighter, I was taught to always carry a knife, screwdriver, door chock, flashlight and a short section of rope in my gear AT ALL TIMES. Over the years, I added to that list vise grips and a shove knife and also added a truck belt or "bail out" belt. I put a small tool pouch on the belt for all these handy items.
     Now I am retired. I carry a few of these items in my truck  I also carry an extinguisher and a small trauma bag. 
     But, every day, no matter what, I always carry a knife in my pocket. I was at a formal dinner last night and yes, I had my knife. For you NCIS fans like me: Gibbs rule #9: Always carry a knife.  I usuallly use it for cutting food for my kids while we are out and about. Because of that, I always keep it clean.  
     Stay safe out there and always be prepared. 

Friday, July 18, 2014

"Maybe it's not too late"..."and forget how to hate"

Lyrics from "Crazy Train" by Ozzy Osbourne, "Maybe it's not too late.  To learn how to love.  And forget how to hate." 
     Although I attended a Catholic school from Kindergarten to 8th grade, I am not a religious person.  But I just feel there is too much "hate" in the world.  This is why I am teaching my 6 year old that "hate" (and "stupid") are words we do not say.  It's OK to not like something, but hate is a pretty strong word and I really wish people, especially kids, would stop using it to describe their feelings toward something or worse, someone. 
     The same goes for the word "stupid".  When did calling an inanimate object, like your cell phone or computer "stupid" when it is not performing the way you want it to.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Social Media Frustration part 1

I help admin a few Facebook pages and groups.  I am also a part of several other Facebook Groups, some for selling items like a "yard sale" group and some meant for spouses to communicate and ask questions.  But I continually see people on the "yard sale" pages start a post with "Not Yard Sale Related, but..."  Then find the right page to put it on!  It's a yard sale page!

But, the other one is people asking questions like phone numbers and opening times of businesses or offices.  Wouldn't it be easier...and just Google it rather than log into Facebook, post the question on a group and wait for someone else to answer?  GOOGLE IT!